Wednesday, July 15, 2009


"The Princess On Her So-Called Throne"

but its not like i have nothing to do..
Tons of homework waiting for me..
I've been trying to upload a song here in my blog, but its not working out.
so fed up. I think i've tried 6 times already..Some other time i guess.
Currently reading, Stephen King's - Needful Things,so far so good...

Have to pack later,
heading to Tampin tomorrow..
i hate packingla, must help my sis to pack some more..*sigh*

Im currently obsessed with Mariah Carey's - Obsessed!!
i love it.
I think i've downloaded round 6 MJ songs
He's a legend.

The damn computer keeps hanging. Driving me INSANE.

Today, escaped from getting hit with a ruler... I'm so grateful i finished my Physics homework.
Cs the last time, i had it. D sir whacked my hand with a ruler, and i had to stand..
So embarrassing,god. But now that i come to think of it, it was kinda funny.

I'm waiting for HP's 6th movie to be released..Hopefully it lives up to my EXPECTATIONS.
Last movie i watched was Transformers i think...
one word- WOW. damn cunn la.
My mum hated it. hahahahax.

My room is ..(this deserve drum rolls).... *DRUM ROLLS* .... CLEAN!!
I am oh-so-proud..
I don't think it will last long though.