Tuesday, December 14, 2010

moving on

i am bored to death. I'm so bored, I'm  singing Christmas songs. SONG actually, no 's'.
The one that ends with 'falalalalalalalalaaaa'..well, to be honest,  that's the only part of the song i know.. 
I just keep repeating the 'falalala,.' part over and over again. How pathetic can I get? 

ok, let me think. There's gotta be something i can blog about. err..whats new? hrmm, 
yea, TWILIGHT. i've de-twilighted myself. Yes. Yes, i have. 
Never thought this day would come. But here it is.
I'm so sick of the whole franchise. Last year , i wouldn't be caught dead saying this. Sad, but true. 
Here are some reasons i've de-twilighted myself. hehe. I like the word. DE-TWILIGHTED.hehe. My other favourite word is dwindling.hehehe. DWINDLING. haha, its funny. 

ermm kk, where was I. ? Yea, reasons i am not a fan anymore.

1. When i was reading the books, I was a big fan of Jacob Black. My favourite character really. In the second book, Edward leaves Bella cos he wants the best for her bla bla bla.*boring goody stuff*. 
Jacob was the one who made her feel better and all.
SO GET TOGETHER WITH JACOB LA IDIOT... But, in the end, this girl runs back to Edward AGAIN....Damn, sedar diri la beb. The dude's a frigging vampire.

2. I thought vampires were bad enough. I thought that was it. But noo, they had to put in a pack of werewolves in.A vampire AND a werewolf falls for her. *haihs. Next thing you know, she'd be having frankenstein's or lady gaga's babies..

3. The main character's plain stupid. Falling for a vampire.. come on. 
An extract from the book:
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"
" What a stupid lamb"

 How it should have been written :
" And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"
" What a stupid, moronic, plain idiotic, bird-brained of a lamb"

The lion here is supposed to be Edward, and the lamb's Bella. 

4. I hate the fact that in every book. All four of them, Bella still thinks that Edward is so unbelievably good-looking.. bloody hell. Give us a break. How many times do we have to be reminded?? once, twice, three times, I can take. NOT ALL THE TIME. I mean, after their married she still thinks he's 'beautiful'. god. Enough already. 

5. The books repeat themselves in a way. Always about how their love's forbidden. How this girl is just waiting to become a vampire so she can live happily ever after sucking people's blood (ok,not really)
and how Edward, being the boring person that he is, wants her to stay human. Its in every single book. We get it kayh? We get it.

haihs, Its not that i HATE the series. I hmm, have lost interest.But I'll always have a soft spot for Jacob Black.I still read the books sometimes though, for the kick of criticizing them.

Thursday, December 9, 2010



right, i'll skip the perkiness.I've been wanting to post/say something for a while,
and now i'm going to go ahead and say it.


there, i said it , i said it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Good Old Days.

When i was younger, round three, maybe four., my parents took me to this place.
I can't really remember.
It was either a gathering or a wedding- i'm not sure.
But i remember being all dressed up.
Then, my mom introduced me to this lady. I can barely remember her face.
So,being very polite (at three years old), i smiled at her.
Little did I know that being polite would have it's horrible consequences..
After that.......,

I don't know whether she was excited, sick, or losing it,
but she pinched me on the cheek
Ok, this happened round 14 years ago, and yet,
I still remember the pain.
OMG. the pain.
This lady was crazy. 
She pinched my cheeks so hard,
I thought I was going to die (at three years old).
I STILL remember her freakishly long nails sinking into my cheeks.
It was terrible i tell you.
So what did I do? 
You'd probably be guessing that i just kept smiling-bearing the pain, 
while my eyes were watering, 
screaming in my head- "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" 
and still have nightmares about it till this very day??


Instead, I did a somersault, knocked the living hell out of her,
pinned her to the floor, pulled her hair, and the next thing she knew, i was sitting on her back.

Then, i said, " No you didn't woman, no you didn't."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Phrase of the Day


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Second Random post. Probably the third.

.if your wondering about the picture of a dude with a 'wau' in my header... In short- sivik folio, had that pic,wanted 2 see how a picture would look with the header, forgot to remove it.

yeah. this pic right here.

pretty out of place huh.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So here i am,
1153 pm,
16 January 2010,
4394 Jalan Heng Choon Thein--- (postcode is to be kept confidential)
* in case someone plans on stalking me.(eleh perasaan)...

My address got me thinking.....Who is this
Mr. Heng Choon Thein?
Where is he now.Is he alive.
well, he must have been one hell of a guy since he has a "jalan" named after him.
Mr. Choon Thein, wherever you are. I salute you. you da man!
His family would have been very proud of him.
So here's my theory.
    Mr Heng Choon Thein is on his way to his kampung house, somewhere in B'worth,
when he stumbles on a piece of land.
Then. All of a sudden, MR Heng Choon Thein comes to a halt, he gasps, he sees a light.
He hears the song of heaven, the angels- they're speaking to him, calling him,
he starts to hyperventilate then falls to the muddy ground, a dazed look on his mud-stained face..............
and he knows, he knows...
  After that enlightening incident, Heng Choon Thein kept visiting that piece of land.. He brought a cheap mishapen axe with him each time. Handed down to him for generations by his late grandfather..With that axe, Choon Thein chopped all the trees on that piece of land and slowly made it suitable for human inhabitation. Choon Thein realized that he had done good. That he was to be blessed. He had heard those voices. He had known that someday, someone, someone so precious, so majestic, so magnificent would  live on his little piece of land one day.